In each case, you summon a mental image or a felt sense of your targeted being, and then you repeat a series of phrases Usually the phrases are, "May you be happy May you be safe May you beMay you be happy;May you live your life with ease" Buddhist Teaching Yesterday was one of those days where I spent a great deal of time in the car going from one appointment to another I sometimes change the XM radio channel from music to talk radioparticularly the Broadsthey are hysterical
May You Be Well U Can Yoga
May you be happy may you be healthy may you be safe may you live with ease
May you be happy may you be healthy may you be safe may you live with ease-May you have a beautiful year in good health Happy birthday, sister 68 Dad, you will always be my first love, I am what I am today because of you Thank you, dad Happy birthday to you May God bless you with all the happiness in the world 69 Put on your dancing shoes, it's your birthday baby girl I'm so excited a princess was born today We know that we feel healthy thanks to our eM Life community We find that by practicing together, live and online in any of our daily sessions, we're all contributing to a treasured wealth of shared ideas and experiences!
May your life be filled with sweet moments, happy smiles and blissful memories May this day give you a new beginning in life Happy birthday dear brother Wish you lots of luck, good health and wealth on your birthday Love you, brother My dear brother, I wish you a very happy and joyful year ahead"May you be Safe May you be Healthy May you be Happy May you live with Ease" Loving Kindness meditationMay I be healthy;
Recite the following phrases to yourself at a pace that keeps you focused and alert 1 May I be safe and protected 2 May I be peaceful and happy 3 May I be healthy and strong 4 May I have ease of wellbeing (and accept all the conditions of the world) Continue reciting the phrases in the first personMay you be filled with loving kindness M ay you be filled with loving kindness May you be well May you be peaceful and at ease May you be happy ancient tibetan buddhist blessingPositive Quote May you be safe, may you be happy, may you be healthy, may you live with ease and know that you are loved Unkown Writer Positive quotes from lebanonlottocom
May you be happy, healthy and at peace by Mari Ruddy I mentioned last week in my post about doing inversions that I LOVE LOVE LOVE the month of May!!! May you be safe May you be free from inner and outer harm May you be healthy May you be happy May you live with ease May you be free from anger, pain, and suffering May you be filled with peace, joy, and loving kindness for yourself and othersReview the past weeks of May You Be Mindful May You Be Thankful May You Be Loving
0 May God Bless You With Good Health And Long Life Quotes As you grows, your strength, endurance, and wisdom grow even more I wish you longevity and good health Oh mom, you must enjoy good health and long life So, my wish for you on this brilliant day is to see you live to enjoy all the good things in life22 Happy birthday to you sir, you have been a light to many, I pray God shine his light to you and make you happy May you spend the rest of your life in divine health Enjoy your day sir 23 Happy birthday dear, I celebrate with you, may you get to the peak of greatness you desireMay you be filled with lovingkindness May you be held in lovingkindness May you feel my love now May you accept yourself just as you are May you be happy May you know the natural joy of being alive And now, if it's possible for you, bring to mind someone with whom you've had a difficult relationship
May I be healthy and strong May I be able to live in this world happily, peacefully, joyfully, with ease Next, move to a person who most invites the feeling of pure unconditional loving kindness, the love that does not depend on getting anything back The first person is usually someone we consider a mentor, a benefactor, an elderMay I live with ease May I be happy May I be healthy May I be kind to myself May I experience love and joy May I live life to the fullest extent May I accept myself, just as I am May I feel peace and contentment Next, sit comfortably in a chair with your feet firmly planted on the ground Allow your spine to grow tall toward the ceiling, then relax your
I hope you enjoy my art Melissa Rachel Black Print reads May you be safe May you be healthy May you be happy May you live with ease May these words lift you up and fill your cup ) This listing is for an instant DIGITAL DOWNLOAD of an art print, for youJust like you, that person wishes to have a good life Repeat the following phrases, silently Just as I wish to, may you be safe, may you be healthy, may you live with ease and happiness Just as I wish to, may you be safe, may you be healthy, may you live with ease and happinessI am very happy and I am very grateful There was a time in my life I didn't believe I would even eat a slice of bread ever again, or ever taste one of my Mu
From the Blog About Me I'm Gabriela and I'mMarci Shimoff "May You Be Safe, May You Be Happy, May You Be Healthy, and May You Live with Ease" Marci Shimoff Did you know that your emotions have the power to influence the rhythm and energy of your heart?Today, at this moment, you have lightness within and around you May you be safe May you be happy May you be healthy May you live with ease Breathe in Breathe out This is the happiness mantra Repeat this with me May I be safe May I be happy May I be healthy May I live with ease May I be safe May I be happy
Emotions like fear and guilt create disordered, unhealthy heart rhythms, while joy and appreciation bring your heart into a healthy state of balance and order77 May all your dreams come true, may the angels above make all of your wishes true Happy birthday, my dear May you live long to behold your prosperity and growth 78 On every day of this new year, may your eyes light up with hope and your lips widen with joy Happy birth anniversary, sweetness May you keep on shinning 79 Hope all is well with you, missed you and your lovely artplease take care and sending you much love and best wishes!
May you be healthy May you feel safe May you live your life with ease Use these phrases or any that capture your deepest wishes, and silently repeat them at a comfortable pace, timed to your breathing Continue repeating these wishes for your child, reminding yourself of your deepest intentions "May you be happy May you be healthy May you feel safeFaryba Thank you for everything, kindness and beautiful comments and being you!Imagine them sitting in front of you, and offer these same phrases of lovingkindness to them "May you be happy, healthy, safe and live with ease" This practice open us to the possibility of including rather than excluding, connecting, rather than overlooking, and caring rather than being indifferent, both to ourselves and others This this aspiration can extend infinitely to all beings in a boundless way, leaving no one out, "May all being be happy, healthy, safe and live with ease"
"May you be safe;If we all said thisSend warm wishes to all living beings on the globe, who, like you, want to be happy Just as I wish to, may you live with ease, happiness, and good health€ Just as I wish to, may you live with ease, happiness, and good health Just as I wish to, may you live with ease, happiness, and good health Take a deep breath in And breathe out
I'll start by wishing them for you May you be safe, may you be happy, may you be healthy — and may you live with ease Catherine Price She has written for publications including The Best American Science Catherine Price is a professional journalist who was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes when she was 22 years old3 Answers It's not wrong, exactly, but it more typical to say, "I wish you health and happiness" "I wish you to be" tends to come across as n order, whereas "I wish you " coveys the speaker's hope that the addressee will be lucky It is a subtle difference, certainlyBig reason I love May is that the 12th is my birthday I've always loved birthdays When I was a kid my family had a rule, we only got a
Hello and thanks for being here!I send you lots of love, blessings and hugs over thisMay you be filled with lovingkindness May you be safe from inner and outer dangers May you be well in body and mind May you be at ease and happy Let the image and feelings you have for your benefactor support the meditation Whether the image or feelings are clear or not does not matter In meditation they will be subject to change
May you be happy May you be healthy May you feel safe May you live your life with ease Yes, I will add "May you live your life with ease" I will picture my two children and wish them with these four phrases May you be happy May you be healthy May you feel safe May you live your life with ease Listen to thisMay you be safe May you be peaceful and at ease As you say these phrases, again sink into their intention or heartfelt meaning And, if any feelings of lovingkindness arise, connect the feelings with the phrases so that the feelings may become stronger as you repeat the words As you continue the meditation, you can bring to mind other friends, neighbors, acquaintances, strangers, animals, and finally people with whom youTry this simple, meditative breathing practice when you get into bed tonight 1 Lie down on your back 2 Place your hand on your belly 3 Pay attention to the rise and fall of your breathing 4 With each exhale, sink into your bed a little deeper, letting go of the day 5 Repeat until you feel drowsy
50 Best Wonderful Happy Birthday Wishes of All time Today we are sharing here some unique collection of Best Happy Birthday Wishes to Celebrate your friends birthday with more joy In this post, I will be sharing some latest birthday wishes to share on Facebook and Whatsapp, We hope that you will surely like it Table of Contents Best Happy Birthday Wishes HappyMay you be healthy; Then slowly repeat phrases of lovingkindness toward them May you be happy May you be well May you be safe May you be peaceful and at ease As you say these phrases, again sink into their intention or heartfelt meaning And again, if any feelings of lovingkindness arise, connect the feelings with the phrases so that the feelings may become
May (I/you/all beings) be safe and protected, free from inner and outer harm May (I/you/all) be happy May (my/your/everyone's) body support the practice of loving awareness May (I/you/all) be free from illwill, affliction, and anxiety May (I/you/everyone) love (myself/yourself/themselves) as (I am/you are/they are)Mari and Sam loving May! Better Ways to Say 'Hope You're Staying Safe and Healthy' in a Short Text or DM Whether you're helping a grieving friend or showing support during illness, there are a lot of ways to say 'hope you're staying safe and healthy' Better yet, you can do so in a short text or DM, so there's no excuse to stay quiet 15
May you be happy May you be healthy May you ride the waves of your life May you live in peace No matter what you are given Once your feelings flow easily to a loved one, turn your attention now to someone with whom you have difficulty – it's best not to start with the most difficult person, but perhaps someone who brings up feelings orJoin the community at eM Life today! may you be peaceful and at ease may you be filled with loving kindness And compassion for all beingslk" ― Morihei Ueshiba Read more quotes from Morihei Ueshiba Like
This website is created for everyone that wants to be healthy and to feel good It mainly covers the ways to recover from psoriasis and its consequenses All you need is the desire to be healthy, happy and full of life!SummerDreamsArt You're most welcome my dearest Fary!May I be happy;
May Allah bless you with long and righteous life and make you obedient servant of him 21 May Allah bless you and your family in this dunya and hereafter at the day of judgment 22 May Allah make this world for you and whole ummah a better place to live and he bless us with the opportunity to die as true Muslim 23 If 'love' is a word which is charged in a way that makes the practice difficult for you to send to others, consider using ' kind friendliness' instead Traditional phrases – from Sharon Salzberg May I be free from danger and live in safety; The Buddhist Metta (Lovingkindness) Prayer is simple but profound It starts by blessing oneself and gradually expands outward from there, eventually wishing good intentions for the entire world and all beings, even our enemies There are many variations and translations of this prayer, but what follows is the essence of it;
Hope you enjoy this video Share it with anyone whom you would like to wish them well May you be happy, may you be healthy, may you be free from all pain Send LovingKindness to All Living Beings Now expand your awareness and picture the whole globe in front of you as a little ball Send warm wishes to all living beings on the globe, who, like you, want to be happy Just as I wish to, may you live with ease, happiness, and good health
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