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On the night of November 29th, 1966, the steamship Daniel J Morrell, steaming in ballast from Lackawanna, NY for Taconite Harbor, MN, broke in two and sank while fighting through a ferocious November gale on Lake Huron Only one of her twentynine man crew survived her lossThe tragic fate of the SS Daniel J Morrell and her crew was one such sacrifice At over 600 feet long, the Daniel J Morrell was a steelhulled, steampowered behemoth of the inland seas First launched in 1906 out of West Bay City Michigan, she served 60 faithful years until one fateful November night, off the tip of Michigan's Thumb, aStoryteller That's how many would describe JA Morrell and his approach to music Originally a native of Monroe, Michigan, JA moved to Nashville to pursue a career in music During that time, he has written many songs, crediting the great Wayne Carson and Marijohn Wilkin as the inspirations to his songwriting style and approachSS Daniel J Morrell was a 603foot (184 m) Great Lakes

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