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FIRE EMBLEM FATES Birthright (Nintendo 3DS, 16) Cartridge Only $24 FOR SALE! Fire Emblem Fates In Japan, Fates was published in three editions the Birthright cartridge, the Conquest cartridge, and the single Nintendo eShop digital release where the player chooses which campaign they purchased partway through the first playthrough Like most games released on Nintendo's current platforms, Fates is supported by update patches which are

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Minecraft Still Selling In Japan As Hardware Sales Fall

Minecraft Still Selling In Japan As Hardware Sales Fall

This set of apps allows you to easily view different map features and find points of interest in your minecraft world with just your map seed Version support varies Show onlyI had a lot of fun To start with, I'm on a USA New 3DS running 99 and launched Minicraft via Themehax I did a full playthrough

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